Could your website be more profitable and easier to manage?
Would you or your career benefit from some one-to-one mentoring?

Are you succeeding at business but wanting more out of your website?
- More leads?
- More sales?
- More foot traffic to your brick and mortar location?
Are you challenged by just accessing your website, updating the content or getting people to visit your website?
- Are you trying to sell online without success?
- Do you have Google Analytics installed?
- Do you know what those numbers are telling you?
If that sounds like you, see if any of these scenarios fit your situation:
- You’re great at what you do. Your products or services are very good and your reputation is great. However you’re not making enough money or as much as you think you should. You want to operate more efficiently.
- You’re new in business but you aren’t really sure how to get more clients. Maybe you’re trying to find new ways to make money online while you sit out the Pandemic. Maybe you’re a coach, a consultant a handyman or an aspiring designer. Maybe you’ve decided to blog about something you’re passionate about but have yet to see any traffic or revenue. You’ve worked hard, but you’re looking for results. What need to happen?
- You’ve tried different ways of marketing yourself without much success. You’ve tried blogging, networking, direct mail, public speaking and local radio or newspaper ads. But nothing is working very well. Client opportunities are few and far between. You’re wondering whether you just need to be patient or if you are doing something wrong?
- You’re running a successful business and you want to do better. You’re thinking of how to scale your business to new prospects or maybe you want to expand your offerings or serve a larger service area. Wouldn’t you benefit from new approaches and strategies to marketing that work more consistently?
- You know you need a website. You’re just getting started with your business, or maybe you’ve been in business for a while, but never got around to setting up your online presnsce – the self-owned property that all you social media and networking efforts link to? If you want to build it yourself, you will need a digital marketing coach. If you want it Done For You you need a service provider. Click here. Maybe you need both? Done For You with ongoing 1:1 training?
- You’ve got a website, but it’s just not doing much for you. After spending a good chunk of time and/or money either internally or on an outside vendor, you expected a return only to find out that your ‘team’ has no idea about planning, creating target audiences, content that converts, online marketing or profitable paid advertising campaigns. What was the point of getting a website if it’s not working for you?
- Your local marketing needs help. You need more people coming into your restaurant, dental practice, gift shop, insurance agency, grocery store or hotel. Maybe you simply want local prospects to call you? You know you need to show up better in local directories and review sites. Or you have bad reviews and want to improve them?
- You want help blogging. Blog content is designed to attract people looking for a solution, but haven’t found a vendor. Blogging attracts people closer to the top of your funnel than the bottom. Or maybe you have a blog but aren’t getting customers. Doesn’t it sound like it’s time to get help?
- You want a job promotion or a new job. You’ve been asked to do some things in your work that are a little above your pay grade. You want to make your life a little easier or maybe get a raise! Or maybe you like what you’ve been doing and want to find a new position or new opportunity elsewhere?
If you find yourself falling into one or more of these situations, you might benefit from a little coaching.
Is your website or blog not performing the way you need or expect it to? I can help you.
Could you use some support, insights or coaching? Would it make life a little easier and enjoyable?
Many successful people have used personal coaching or mentoring.
“If you ask any successful businessperson, they will always (say they) have had a great mentor at some point along the road.”
– Richard Branson, who was mentored by Sir Freddie Laker, the British Airline Entrepreneur
Oprah Winfrey -> Dr. Maya Angelou
Mark Zuckerberg -> Steve Jobs (Said to have walked all over Palo Alto together)
Bill Gates -> Warren Buffet (Gates refers to Buffet as one of a kind.)
Yves Saint-Laurent – Christian Dior (Competitors)
Audrey Hepburn mentoring Elizabeth Taylor. (Also competitors)
PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi looks for mentors in all aspects of her life: “If I hadn’t had mentors, I wouldn’t be here today. I’m a product of great mentoring, great coaching… Coaches or mentors are very important.”
Why Coaching With Kurt?

I’m a 25-year pro with experience with small, medium and some very large businesses. That’s expertise you can benefit from.
I have employed as many as 28 people at a time. I am aware of what people building and marketing websites should be doing and how. I have coached many of them to success.
I have been a mentor through a large and respected Chamber of Commerce. Those experiences helped me understand small business owner’s perspectives and challenges and how I could not only teach my mentees more about their websites, but also to know when and how to support and encourage them, while also keeping them accountable.

I spend thousands of dollars every year learning from top digital marketers.
I have spoken across the country and hosted live Meetups, where I spoke on Website Success or had guest speakers with Subject Matter Experience.
Put my experience and expertise to work for you!
Here’s What You Get
What’s included in your monthly 1:1 coaching program:
- 5 Monthly 20-minute calls. You can book as you like at least one day apart. Use them all in one week or use them a week at a time. If you reach your monthly limit of 5 coaching calls, you can order more any time.It’s important that you have the support you need to keep the momentum going and for you to achieve your goals with as little stress as possible. The only thing I ask is that you complete our previous projects and tasks before booking your next call. I think you’re find focusing on ‘the next step’ a lot easier than being overwhelmed with ALL the things.
- Daily (Monday through Friday) email support. Got a question between calls? Send me an email. Want me to review your work? Send me an email. Do you want daily accountability? Let’s connect by email every day to measure progress and set up a plan.
- Access to other trainings as needed. For example, if you’re stuck writing content or doing keyword research, I may have some additional checklists, videos or training I can share.
- Membership in Website Success Club: We get together to support each other. I usually share something of value and encourage others to bring something to Show & Tell. You can use this weekly call to ask others for advice or for you to help others.
- Access to Insider Information: You will also get periodic emails from me that I think might help your and your business specifically. You’ll be added to my private email list where I curate new insights, case studies, metrics and news several days a week for clients.
OK. I’m interested. How much?

I enjoy working with clients and help making them be successful online. These engagements often result in referrals, which I greatly appreciate. I’d like this to be affordable to many, especially in the age of Covid, so your investment is just currently just $349 per month.
Your account will be billed automatically on the day of the month you signed up. You can cancel your subscription before our second engagement each month (email, phone, Skype or Zoom) with no questions asked. You can always join again, if desired, at the prevailing price.
I don’t work with contracts. There is no commitment beyond the first month, except that I usually ask for a 3-month commitment. We will work as fast as possible to get the results you want, but the first month is often about getting up to speed, doing some analysis and planning and getting resources and routines in place.
Before you skip down to click the buy button though, I have a couple of things you to understand and agree to.
Understanding #1: You have to be willing to do the work. There is a time to learn and a time to earn. If you don’t do the work, you will not see any results. If you’re not willing to give it the time required, we may not be right for one another. My coaching is not Done With You or Done For You, it is Done By You. I do have a limited number of Done For You options available here.
Understanding #2: There are no promises. Your results may vary depending on your market or niche, your effort, your talents and maybe even sheer luck. Having said that, I will always try and give you the support and guidance I think you need.
Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer a money-back guarantee? I have 25 years of experience with hundreds of websites. I am confident in my experience and expertise. But I have no control over your efforts,, expertise, commitments, resources, Google algorithms, the economy or your market; so for that reason, I’m unable to offer a guarantee.
What I can offer is that you may cancel anytime after our first engagement of the month and before our second. If you’re not confident in our relationship, then I would urge you to look for a different solution. And I will wish you the best!
Again, I will promise you this: After our first call of any month, if you feel I can’t help you grow your business, then I willl cancel your coaching plan and refund your initial payment.
Why is there a 3-month commitment required? Understand that it is not mandatory, but I hope you understand that coaching takes time. As mentioned, I’ve found that in the first month we’ll spend time getting up to speed. We usually see real improvements beginning in months two or three. The 3-month commitment is more of an Ask than a requirement. I want to be sure you have the best chance of success with as little commitment on your part as possible.
My business is _______. Can you help me with that? I don’t see why not. We have experience in hundreds of companies large and small, many of which were in markets or niches we had no experience in initially. What we do have are processes that have been revised over the years to help onboard clients regardless of their business, market, financial or people resources. There are no guarantees in life and as mentioned, I have no control over your efforts and competition.
I have questions that aren’t answered here. No problem! Please send me an email or schedule a 20 minute call.
Ready to Get Started?
I’m looking forward to working with you! To get started, click the Subscribe button. Once your payment is complete, you’ll be redirected to a form where I’ll ask you a few questions, then you can book your first call.
P.S. Space is extremely limited. I limit my coaching to 5 private clients at a time, but I currently have one slot open.