Local Marketing Package

Increase Foot Traffic Year Around!

There has been a rapid shift in traditional marketing and what’s working today for local businesses. Local marketing is now dominated by Review Sites (like Yelp) and Local Directories (like GoogleMyBusiness). Buyers are researching where they do business more than ever. They average reading 10 reviews per purchase on multiple platforms.

They reward businesses for the number of reviews they have had recently and especially when a business responds to reviews both good and bad.

You can’t avoid it. The advent of ‘PROsumers’ has been growing quickly in popularity the past couple of years. Your customers will post reviews, whether you like it or not. You can read more about it here; Gift Shop Marketing.

Why Reviews Are Important

Today’s average consumer reads an average of 10 reviews before feeling able to trust a business enough to do business with them.

  • 86% of consumers read reviews, including 95% of people aged 18-34.
  • 91% of people aged 18-34 trust reviews as much or more than a personal recommendation.
  • 40% of consumers only take into account reviews written in the last 2 weeks and there is a big dropoff in acceptance for reviews that are older than 3 months.
  • 57% of consumers will only use a business with 4 or more stars.

70% of consumers look at multiple review sites when choosing a local business!

If you prefer to be invoiced, please eMail Kurt @ WebsiteSuccessGuy.com

Have you claimed and optimized your online listings?

The good news is that Local Marketing is fairly easy to maintain once your profiles are claimed and your listings optimized.

Setting up Local Search Marketing attracts clients 24/7/365 with no additional costs. It also allows you to interact with your prospects in new and useful ways – on your terms.

WebsiteSuccessGuy’s Local Search Package focuses on the 8-12 most important
and often used directories and review sites.

Quality Local Marketing Attracts Buyers

Not only can prospects find you when they are looking for solutions, they can contact you in different ways, even if it’s 2 o’clock in the morning. You respond when you have time.

Local directories allow you to post pictures of your merchandise, hours of operation and directions to your location, saving you time answering the phone or even selling them! Many come in knowing what they want to buy.

Another great thing about Local Marketing is…

You don’t even need a website!

But if you do have one, your site’s SEO will benefit from inbound links from Google, Bing, review sites and social profiles.

Start Your Local Search Marketing Strategy Today

Keys to Local Marketing Success

Claiming local listings successfully, includes…

  • Using quality images (and videos) to show off your location, brand and key products.
  • Formatting your NAP (Name, Address & Phone) completely and consistently to avoid confusion and improve online maps accuaracy.
  • Selecting the proper categories for your listing, so that you are found where you need to be found.
  • Removing duplicate listings and inaccurate information.
  • Getting reviews without violating any terms of service.
  • Managing your reputation.
  • Getting a competitive edge.

Unlike SEO, you can begin seeing results within a few days.

Great Return On Investment

If you invested $1,000 in marketing and saw a 5% return, would that be a good investment for a month? How about 5% every month?

Would it be money well spent if your sales increased by only 3%? What is 3% of your annual sales?

There are no promises, but we typically see attractive returns on the marketing techniques we employ. We work hard on your behalf.

Getting Started

We jump on a Zoom call to hear what your goals are and any questions you may have. We document all of your information and prepare it for submission. You will be asked to supply any photos, videos and logos that will portray your business professionally.

Here’s What You Get

Once we have submitted all of your listing information, we will confirm that everything is correct. In most cases, we will supply you with links to all of these listings for you to confirm yourself.

We create and/or update your listings in these important directories.

  1. Google My Business
  2. Google Search
  3. Yelp
  4. Google Maps
  5. Apple Maps
  6. Bing Search
  7. Foursquare
  8. Hotfrog
  9. US-Info
  10. ShowMeLocal
  11. TomTom
  12. Factual

You’ll have access to all appropriate access links, user names and passwords so you can change or add information anytime you see fit.

You get video training walking you through how to easily monitor and maintain your listings.

The Web Asylum Difference

Clients with websites will also receive a written content evaluation with an analysis of the the site’s current content and technical threats. We’ll include ideas to attract and engage visitors.

We have reviewed hundreds of websites over 20 years. Our reviews have been featured online, at conferences and chamber events.

Local marketing will help you attract clients 365 days a year. With the holiday shopping season at hand, NOW is the time to order your Local Marketing Package!

Use PayPal or most major credit or debit cards.

If you prefer to be invoiced, please eMail Kurt @ WebsiteSuccessGuy.com

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Local Search Marketing?

Local Search Marketing is a newer, targeted and highly effective way of attracting motivated buying customers and putting them in front of your products and services at the time they are searching for a solution.

What is a Local Search?

There are 2 types of local search queries. The first is a search for a product or service with a geo-targeted location modifier to the search term (a city, town or post/zip code). An example would be “Peoria steak houses” or “Celtic gifts in Grand Rapids.”

The second type of local search is known as ‘implicit local search,’ where the person searching does not use a location modifier in their search but the search engine assumes the search is local in nature and uses information associated with the searcher’s IP address, location or smartphone to return local search results.

What is the Most Important Local Search Listing to Have?

We believe that the Google My Business listing is most important, in part because as  a directory, it influences the largest search engine in the world. But it’s also a top site for reviews and influences many buying decisions.

And this is interesting, according to The Local Marketing Institute, 56% of businesses have NOT claimed their businesses on Google My Business. That give those that do a significant advantage.

Furthermore, only 33% of businesses have claimed their Yelp listing.

For more information, email Kurt @ WebAsylum.com.


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